
Lahore Technical Education Society
Chowk Yateem Khana, Band Road,
Lahore, Pakistan.

Tel: +92-42-7572747

Fax: +92-42-7573225

Email: info@lgtc.edu.pk

Our Major Project
Lahore Group of Technical Colleges
Serving the nation since 1994..........Click for details
Major Objectives of the Society:
  1. To contribute towards the betterment of the country through better education.
  2. To enlighten the students about teachings of Islam and to make them aware of their duties regarding social and personal values.
  3. To provide opportunity to the deserving students.
  4. To prepare skilled manpower that can accept the challenges of the new millennium.
  5. To enhance professional ideals & standards.
  6. To foster research as a function complementary to teaching.
  7. To bring about effective linkage between technical institutions industry & society.
  8. To establish institutions for technical education all over the country.
© 2009 Lahore Technical Education Society (Regd.), Lahore, Pakistan.
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